Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

Maximum Fourth Dimension Trammel For Disposal Of Diverse Types Of Cases Every Bit Per Part Physical Care For (Mop)

Fixation of Maximum Number of Days for Disposal of Various Types of Cases
 Fixation of Maximum Number of Days for Disposal of Various Types of Cases Maximum Time Limit for Disposal of Various Types of Cases every bit per Office Procedure (MoP)
No.A/88296/Policy Corr/CAD/A-2(B)
(Office of JS & CAO)



1. General instructions regarding disposal of diverse types of cases inward Govt Depts already exists nether Chapter XI ‘Check on Delays’ inward the Manual of Office Procedure (MoP). However, Para threescore of the MoP emphasises that each Ministry/Department should compass fourth dimension limits for disposal of every bit many types of cases every bit possible handled inward the Department through departmental instructions.

2. In accordance alongside Para threescore of MoP in addition to to streamline the existing do of disposal of cases inward Adm sectionalization of CAD’s office, it has been decided to lay downwards norms for disposal of dissimilar cases / requests / applications on a fourth dimension jump mode nether normal circumstances. The nether mentioned nature of cases cause got been considered viable for the role of timely disposal / finalization of cases/requests / applications received from officers / members of staff:-
S. No. Subject Time Limit for Disposal
working days)
1. Grant of Advance / Withdrawal from
03 Days
2. LTC Advance (Adm Entry) 02 Days
3. LTC Final Claim Adm Ent 05 Days
4. Forwarding of Application for
outside posts
01 Day  after CCA
5. Forwarding of Application for type
02 Days
6. Forwarding Application for
Allotment / Possession of Govt Accommodation
02 Days
7. Application for CGHS carte du jour (New /
02 Days
8. Opening of Service Book on New
Apptts including all Nominations. NPS assort etc.)
10 Days
9. NOC for Passport 15 Days 
10. NoC for Visiting Abroad 15 Days 
11. Medical Reimbursement claim under
Delegated Powers
05 Days
12. Sanction of Medical Advance under
Delegated Powers
03 Days
13. Grant of Permission nether Conduct
As prescribed nether Conduct Rules
14. Change of Home Town for LTC
recorded inward Service Book
03 Days
15. Issue of LPC on Transfer 07 Days
16. Permission to Undertake Higher
Study or Course
05 Days
17. Fixation of Pay on Promotion 15 Days
18. Leave Applications 15 Days
19. Payment of Pay in addition to Allowances On due date
20. Sanction of Hindi Awards and
Special Increments
05 Days
21. WIP / VIP Reference 07 Days
22. Parliament Question Starred in addition to Unstarred 05 Days or on need whichever is
23. Preparation of Bill for Leave
Encashment on LTC
03 Days

Note: The cases where terminal disposal is subject upon diverse clearances from other offices, processing of the example must start out immediately.
3.All officers in addition to staff are requested to render their applications / requests consummate inward all respects in addition to then that their requests may last disposed of inside the fourth dimension bound mentioned above. In example of delay, they may kindly convey the affair to the expose of the SAO / Dy Dir of concerned Adm Section.

4. This issues alongside the approving of JS & CA).

(Dr. S.K. Mishra)
Dy CAO (Admin)
For JS & CAO

Source: Confederation

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